Thursday, March 6, 2008

Formaður stúdentafélags

"Ég fór á stofnfund félags nema í íslensku fyrir erlenda nema," segir Charlotte um atburði undanfarinna daga. "Við viljum meðal annars bæta gæði íslenskukennslunnar og gefa upplýsingar um námsáfanga." Einnig er ætlun þeirra að hjálpa erlendum nýnemum að aðlagast íslensku þjóðfélagi og taka þátt í háskólalífinu. "Okkur finnst mikilvægt að upplýsa fólk um réttindi og framtíðartækifæri. Mörg okkar ætla að búa á Íslandi eftir útskrift og við viljum vita hvers lags starfa við getum vænst," segir Charlotte, sem er nýkjörinn formaður félagsins.

"I went to a founding meeting for the 'Student Association for 'Íslenska fyrir Erlenda Stúdenta'. We want to improve the quality of Icelandic language teaching, exchange and offer information about courses, programme requirements, help newcomers settle into icelandic life whilst presenting a positive image of foreigners and actively taking part in campus life.

We think it's important to inform ourselves of not only our rights, but our future opportunities. Many of us are planning on staying in Iceland after we graduate and want to know what employment we might be offered.

We are also going to do lots of fun stuff, like icelandic movie nights, parties. We want to arrange some vísindaferðir, so if any companies are interested please let us know!

There are six of us on the board, i'm the president, because no one else wanted to be! But i'm really enthusiastic and excited about this association, and i really think we will make a big difference in the lives of current and future students studying icelandic at HÍ."

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